Julie HogenboomEarly Edge California website copyChildren who participate in high-quality Early Learning programs show improvements in language arts, literacy, math and science. ...
Julie HogenboomFamily, Your Child's First Social NetworkEight-year old Eva is a whiz with her tech tools. She has started 3 blogs, enjoys texting and Facetime with her cousin on the East...
Julie HogenboomWhen the Cactus Is in Bloom"When I grow up we're going to live on a ranch. Dad and I are going to have to carry guns when we ride on horseback," my 7-year old tells...
Julie HogenboomSpaghetti PieIt's 6:00 p.m. on Friday and I am feeling that sense of contentment and satisfaction I have when my son is safely buckled in the backseat...
Julie HogenboomPress Release for Examiner TechUnleashing an army of knowledgeable writer-contributors to decipher the world of tech news and products for the rest of us: Examiner.com...